Sunday, April 4, 2010

We Now Return To Posting

As you know, or have figured out, Holy Week is of such importance and just plain busy-ness that writing new posts just isn't done. Also, it's good to have the weekly schedule kept at the top of the page since we average, at the rectory alone, about 6-8 calls a day asking about our Holy Week schedule.

That doesn't mean things haven't been happening, though. In archeology alone, something in which a whole bunch of parishioners are now knowledgeable and interested, we have a number of things to relate. There's also a silly sign to note. Maybe even a commentary of two, once I recover from the effect of too many spoken, read, composed. or sung words during the past week. A day or two in the workshop or surf casting on the Sound cures that pretty quickly. Not to mention dealing with the effects of the Nor'easter on the house that Mrs. Rector and I have down on the Connecticut coast. [I'm thinking of launching the boat in the basement, but it may not be beamy enough. The boat, that is.]

Anyway, thanks for the great Holy Week and the welcome response from those who chose to attend even the weekday services. I'll have some attendance figures later.