Thursday, February 11, 2010

Desire Affirmed, Communion Denied

Only in the Church can a body seek full communion and instead receive an "affirmation of their desire." Goodness, it sounds positively salacious. Apparently, their "desire required further exploration." By "relevant authorities", no less. Oh, my stars and garters. Pardon me while I swan over the divan.

Church of England says no to full communion with breakaway entity

[No offense to Episcopal Life and its editors, but, technically, the Church of England didn't say "no". As is rather typical, they didn't say anything other than that they would "explore" the issue and decide later. Much later. Like, after it's no longer an issue worth attention.]

Above is a photo of Rowan Williams, the leader of the Church of England, in his "White Druid" vestments. Yes, he's a member of the Order of the White Druids. It's a long story. I just thought it was a good photo of him.