Friday, October 9, 2009

Another Sign Of The Post-Christian Age

A rather light article on the new head of the National Institutes of Health appeared in the New York Times earlier this week and there was one portion that stood out for me. No, it wasn't that the subject rides a Harley or wears a leather jacket when so doing. It was this one:

"First, there is the God issue. Dr. Collins believes in him. Passionately. And he preaches about his belief in churches and a best-selling book. For some presidential appointees, that might not be a problem, but many scientists view such outspoken religious commitment as a sign of mild dementia."

Are there degrees of dementia, by the way? You know, hot, medium, and mild? Or, was the qualifier "mild" just a "weasel word" designed to lighten what seems to be a remarkably intolerant regard for the majority of the people in the world. So, "many scientists" think that we're acting out of dementia when we build and staff hospitals, construct homes, fight for social rights, enable the creation of 12-step programs, address those in grief, visit prisoners, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, etc.

If that's the case, then please, "many scientists", I'd like not to be regarded as "mildly demented", but as "just plain nuts" if that's what it takes to work for a better world and the creation of at least a portion, a shard, of the Kingdom on Earth.