Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Call; New Home

It occurred to me the other day that I've lived in our current house longer than I have anywhere else in my life. Wasn't that long, really, but that's testimony to my transient upbringing.

What sparked this realization is that I am moving yet again.

This weblog will continue, of course, as it is mine and not tied to a specific congregation. While I'm hopeful that my new parish will use this site for information and other things relevant to our common life, The Coracle has morphed into a site with a far flung readership less interested in parish announcements than in links to articles relevant either to contemporary Christianity or contemporary silliness [hard to tell them apart sometimes].

Anyway, the new position awaits and I have much work to do. We will be offline for most of this week, save for a few photos of the new art show guitar and whatnot. We will return to regular broadcasting next week, though.