Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coincidentally, Those are the States Where I'm Looking for My Next Job

Every day you’re hearing an updated tally of the number of Americans who’ve “died” of COVID-19. 
And, it’s time everyone wised up about those daily COVID-19 fatality reports. They don’t represent the number of people it's killed. They represent the number of death certificates listing it as a cause. And those two things are most definitely NOT the same. 
We know with absolute certainty that CDC guidelines for filling them out mean people with mild cases who die of some unrelated disease get added to the virus’s death toll. And 80% of COVID-19 infections have symptoms way too mild to kill anyone. In fact, a lot of people get no symptoms at all. 
We even know that people who aren’t infected with the virus are getting counted as fatalities.
In short, the numbers are as accurate as are the COVID-19 tests for which people are clamoring. [The vaunted Wuhan strain tests have a false positive ratio rivaling the tests for Lyme Disease; I'll let the reader look those stats up themselves].

Also, when a 98-year-old woman with a history of heart disease, including two cardiac events in the last year, dies and is listed as a "potential coronavirus victim", you know it's because the state is getting so much federal $ per victim that it pays to fudge the figures.