Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wow, They're Really Serious about Gun Control This Time

Democrats this week approved legislation to require background checks for essentially all sales and transfers of firearms -- but rejected GOP-led efforts to amend the legislation to alert law enforcement authorities when gun buyers, including illegal immigrants, fail those background checks.

Look, I'm feeling ornery these days and will note that, in my role as a half-breed hillbilly who works undercover as an East Coast, liberal, Caucasian, intellectual snob, all of the talk about guns is really just old-fashioned class snobbery.  "Those icky people and their icky guns; I've seen them in movies" is really the impetus behind much of the political talk about gun control.

A glaring example that no one admits is that none of the onerous gun control measures implemented in Connecticut in the wake of the Sandy Hook killings would have prevented that lunatic from killing people.  It is all just another episode in the kabuki theater of contemporary politics.