Thursday, February 7, 2019

Yes, and It's True of the "Company" in Which I Work, Too

For reference, SJW stands for "social justice warrior".  Lately, I've noticed that we're now in the third era of clergy LARPing.  When I was first ordained, clergy liked to take on the affect of a university professor with tweed jackets and book-lined offices.  That surrendered to an imitation of a psycho-therapist, with offices now arranged to facilitate "open" conversations and adorned with ferns.  Even their voices took on the soporific tones of an NPR host.  Nowadays, younger/newer clergy speak a lot about social justice and I imagine they see themselves as warriors for their causes; causes that are...transient.

It makes me miss the fake professors.

For reasons understood by long-time readers of The Coracle, Warren's Indian LARPing is particularly annoying.

Related: Elizabeth Warren’s carefully crafted political image grows even fuzzier

Nah, it's clearer than ever.