This is why, until the end of the 19th century, Christians often found it prudent to carry with them the means for self-defense. I appreciate that conflicts with a common narrative, but reality can do that. While I'm convinced that the killer's pharmaceutical profile will be consistent with that of other such killers, and that the surreptitious side effects of psychotropics aided his homicidal rage, this may also be a glimpse of what the post-Christian age will contain.
Related commentary [Warning: rough language may be present within the body of the article]:
Underemployed, disrespected and frustrated men drive terrorism, mass shootings, gang warfare, you name it. But railing against guys for “toxic masculinity” clearly hasn’t worked. So why not try something new? Why not celebrate what makes men unique instead of trying to turn boys into girls? Why not harness that power and set men back to work? To make America great again, we need to rescue our lost generation of young males.