Independent Women's Forum:
The Food Babe has one clear mission: to scare moms so bad that they stop buying all that convenient and reasonably priced food they've grown to love and which makes their lives a little easier. Because progress is your enemy, ladies!
She’s not asking much…just that you do your best to act more like her: eat only food produced by raw, whole ingredients that you cook yourself. Oh, but wait, it can’t be just any whole ingredients; they have to be organic and non-GMO. The evidence she provides to her readers that this strategy will lead to a healthier life? Exactly nothing.
The Food Babe’s main objection to the chemical axodicarbonamide is that she can’t pronounce it. That’s right. It’s a toughie for her so AWAY WITH IT!
We never lack for advice in this world. Good, informed advice, on the other hand....