Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trinity Sunday

And the "birthday" of the parish, too. Does it get any better? Not only do we join in the holy mysteries of the sacrament, but we have the parish picnic immediately after the liturgy. This year, it appears the temperature will be above freezing. Now if it would only stop raining.

This week, we read of the scriptural foundation of the doctrine of the Trinity, not to mention examine the trying profession of the Christian artist, especially when it comes to depicting the Seraphim.

The lections may be found here.

[Above is a scene from the parish picnic at the Church of the Epiphany, Euclid, Ohio, circa 1961. The little fellow in the lower left portion of the photo, the one happily digging away, would wind up having a career in the church. It's safe to say that he's still digging the scene.]